Why Now’s The Time To Try Nicotine-Free Disposable Vapes
With the ban on sales of single-use vapes due to come into force in the summer, some may think the best thing to do is to stock up on a disposable vape sale, ensuring you have a lot of supplies while you get used to refills and maybe pick up some last-minute clearance discounts along the way.
However, while you may do all this, there could also be an opportunity for some experiments. Maybe you can pick up something a little different as a disposable and try it, knowing that you haven’t bought a whole load of refills, so if you don’t like it, there is no waste. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say.
This could be something like a new flavour, or a CBD vape, but it might also be something particularly different like a nicotine-free vape.
Why A Nicotine Free Vape Can Be Useful
On the face of it, this might seem a very strange idea. After all, many people take up vaping as a means of quitting smoking, often after attempts to do so by other means have failed. Anyone who has tried to stop and not managed it will know why; kicking any habit is hard, but the nicotine adds to the addictiveness of it.
This is why so many smoking cessation aids include nicotine. It’s there in patches and gum. Indeed, you may have tried these in past attempts to quit before turning to vaping.
If you have now managed to successfully give up smoking and you vape regularly, you will still be getting that hit of nicotine. But can you then take the next step and wean yourself off that, while still enjoying the pleasant aspects of vaping like the taste?
This is what the nicotine-free vapes are designed to do. This doesn’t mean you can suddenly switch completely and drop all nicotine vapes, but by using them occasionally and gradually increasing the proportion of vapes you use that are nicotine-free, you can ease your way out of nicotine addiction.
Reducing Nicotine Addiction
In this context, it is important to understand the wider implications of regularly using nicotine. It is, of course, only a fraction as harmful as the toxic and carcinogenic substances contained in cigarettes that you want to avoid. In addition, the amount of nicotine in smoking cessation products such as gum, patches and vapes is much lower than in cigarettes.
Nonetheless, the ongoing use of nicotine means the craving is still there. You are still getting the dopamine hits, but that means the desire will not go away.
A key question you may ask, especially if you have struggled badly in your previous attempts to quit smoking, is whether you should seek to gradually wean yourself off nicotine altogether. If there is no addition at all, there will be no desire to light up.
Once the single-use vape ban is in place, there may be a risk if, for example, you don’t have any vape mix made up when you feel the need for a nicotine hit and there’s a shop selling cigarettes just around the corner. It may be better if, eventually, you are nicotine-free and the cravings are a thing of the past.
Doing cold turkey, however, is no way to proceed. That seldom works when trying to give up smoking and so it won’t work when eliminating nicotine from vapes. That is exactly why the gradual approach described above could be effective.
For instance, it may be that you get one or two nicotine-free vapes in week one. Then, if using them didn’t leave you struggling too badly, you might use three or four in the second week, and so on, gradually lowering your nicotine use.
Why Single-Use Vapes Offer Value
Because you are getting them individually on a single-use basis instead of buying a load or getting refills, it won’t be a big waste of money if you try a few and they don’t work out, as you will only have paid for the ones you use. This is a window of opportunity you can only take advantage of now, as it will be firmly shut forever at the end of May.
If they do turn out to be effective, you will be very glad that you undertook a trial using single-use nicotine-free vapes. It will mean that once you have to do everything with kits, refillable vapes and supplies of juice, you will know if nicotine-free vapes are useful to you or not and buy your stocks accordingly.
Vaping will change for single-use customers when June rolls around. But there are other ways it may change for lots of vapers. If that includes reducing or eliminating nicotine while still enjoying a vape, this could be the best way to do it in 2025.