Could CBD Vapes Be Part Of Your New Year Health Kick?

Could CBD Vapes Be Part Of Your New Year Health Kick?

The new year is always a time when people make changes to improve their lifestyle, whether it’s joining a gym or giving up cigarettes. Well, how about trying something different in 2025 and taking up CBD disposable vapes instead, with this known to help treat insomnia and anxiety? 

New year, new you

According to a YouGov survey, 27 per cent of Brits plan to make New Year’’s Resolutions in 2025, with this climbing to 52 per cent for those between 18 and 24 years old.

The most popular resolution is to spend less and save more money, as 21 per cent of people intend to do this. This is followed by exercising more (17 per cent), losing weight (16 per cent) and gaining new skills (seven per cent). 

A lot of people making New Year’s Resolutions do so to improve their health, with getting fit, shedding the pounds, eating more healthily, boosting mental health, drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking and ‘being healthier’ all included in the most common intentions for 2025.

In fact, 39 per cent of people planning to make a New Year’s Resolution are doing so for health reasons. 

How can CBD boost your health?

This is why vaping cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, could be part of your health kick, as it has been well reported it can have positive benefits.

CBD contains the active ingredients of cannabis, but it does not cause the ‘high’ feeling marijuana is known for. Simply, it is a component of the Class C drug and does not lead to addiction or drug abuse.

According to a report by The World Health Organization, CBD is naturally found in cannabis plants, while it can also be synthetically produced.

“CBD appears to have little effect on conditioned place preference or intracranial self-stimulation… In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential,” it stated.

The report went on to say: “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile… to date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”

In addition to not being harmful, several studies have shown CBD to have significant health benefits to those who use it. Here are just a few:

Reduce anxiety and depression

One of the most common reasons to use CBD vapes and oils is to improve mental health, as CBD has been used in the treatment of depression, anxiety and even post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Improve sleep

It can also help those who suffer from insomnia, as it can make it easier to fall asleep and also remain asleep all night long. Anyone who struggles to nod off or who finds themselves awake at 3am every night will certainly be relieved to find something that can help them get more rest. 

Relieve pain

Cannabis has actually been used to relieve pain for thousands of years, and was a big component of Chinese medicine. It does this as cannabinoid receptors bind with the endocannabinoid neurotransmitters that the body produces. This reduces inflammation and alleviates chronic pain. 

Therefore, those who suffer from fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic conditions, as well as cancer-related symptoms, might find CBD very effective at making their daily life more pain-free and comfortable. 

Limit seizure activity

Some studies have also shown it helps the muscles to relax, which reduces seizure activity, making it helpful for those with Dravet syndrome, Parkinson’s and Cerebral Palsy, among other conditions. 

Boost heart health 

What’s more, those with high blood pressure may want to start vaping CBD in 2025 as it can widen blood vessels and improve cardiovascular health. 

It might also boost artery function and reduce risks for strokes and heart attacks. 

Though more research is needed to support these findings, those who want help with their physical, neurological or mental health immediately may find vaping CBD could have a huge impact on their wellbeing. 

Will you give up on your CBD resolutions?

Although so many people have good intentions when it comes to their New Year’s Resolutions, most find them hard to stick to. 

Only 17 per cent of those surveyed claimed to have maintained their lifestyle changes this year, with nearly half of these saying they were able to keep some, but not all, of their resolutions. 

However, you might be more inclined to keep to your CBD vaping habit, as it involves starting something instead of restricting yourself. Where people tend to fail is when they have to stop doing something they enjoy, whether it is drinking alcohol or eating chocolate every day. 

Taking up a new habit, especially one that they like and benefits them, could make it a lot easier to stick to, which is why CBD vaping might be a great resolution to try in 2025.